Electric Mobility: A Key Driver of the Energy Transition

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As businesses and governments push toward a lower-carbon future, electric mobility emerged as a promising solution for reducing emissions. However, the transition faces key challenges—particularly around cost and infrastructure. In France particularly, financial mechanisms like White Certificates or Certificats d’Économies d’Énergie (CEE) and the Taxe Incitative Relative à l'Utilisation d'Énergie Renouvelable dans les Transports (TIRUERT) tax incentive provide effective tools to accelerate adoption.

Energy Savings Certificates: Lowering the Cost of Heavy-Duty EVs

One of the biggest barriers to fleet electrification is the high upfront cost of heavy-duty electric vehicles. In France, Certificats d’Économies d’Énergie (CEE) incentives—TRA-EQ-128 and 129—help offset these costs with substantial financial support, improving the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

At STX Group, we help businesses identify, manage, and maximize these financial opportunities, turning cost barriers into strategic advantages.

Electric Car Charging

TIRUERT: Expanding Charging Infrastructure

Widespread EV adoption depends on a well-developed charging infrastructure. The Tax Incentive for the Use of Renewable Energy in Transport or Taxe Incitative Relative à l'Utilisation d'Énergie Renouvelable dans les Transports (TIRUERT) supports this by allowing public charging station operators to generate renewable electricity certificates, which they can sell to fuel distributors.

Key benefits for charging station developers:

STX Group simplifies the entire process—from regulatory registration (Data.Gouv, Carbure, QualiCharge) to certificate sales—ensuring businesses optimize financial returns while streamlining certification.

Why French Businesses Should Invest in Electric Mobility Now

Electrifying vehicle fleets is a strategic move to remain competitive. By leveraging CEE and TIRUERT, businesses can:

STX Group provides end-to-end support—from eligibility assessments to securing grants and certificates—ensuring a seamless, profitable transition to electric mobility.


Let’s Work Together

Turn your energy transition challenges into business opportunities. Contact our team today to learn more about our tailored solutions that can help drive your electric mobility projects forward.

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