CLEAN ENERGY TAX CREDITS Reduce your tax liability and increase profitability with high-quality, vetted tax credits

We can help you source clean energy tax credits aligned to your financial strategy and risk appetite, optimizing both price and timing to meet your U.S. tax obligations efficiently. With our extensive network of reputable renewable energy producers, we have access to a wide range of high-quality credits and can efficiently manage the entire procurement process from start to redemption. 

Our Offering

Single Credit Purchase

Start your transferrable tax credit journey with a one-off purchase. Together we define your technology, geography and timing preferences and risk appetite. Based on your preferences, we source from our rolodex of project developers based on your unique requirements and optimize your transferable tax credit procurement and redemption to ensure you a seamless purchasing process.

Portfolio Origination

Build a portfolio of transferable tax credits by procuring throughout your fiscal year. Built on the foundations of the Single Credit Purchase offering, we can design a treasury planning strategy, harmonize contract terms, and build out a complementary portfolio for your continual procurement.

Multi-Year Strategic Procurement

Optimize your transferrable tax credit portfolio for effective and long-term returns. Expanding on the Portfolio Origination offering, with a multi-year commitment to reducing tax liabilities, we can secure you with long-term partnerships with trusted developers, tailor your insurance offering, and give you access to forward portfolios (~1-3 years ahead of projects coming online).

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Increased Profitability

We can help any company reduce their cash out U.S. tax liability with thoroughly vetted, high-quality tax credits.

Free up working capital

Once you have signed a letter of intent to purchase clean energy tax credits, you can match future transactions to your current tax liabilities, reducing your working capital requirements.

Optimized Deal Structuring

Take advantage of our expertise in structuring bespoke deals that align with your financial strategies, optimizing the timing, price, and quantity of tax credits.

Sustainability Impact

Facilitate investments in clean energy projects that may not have been economically viable without the support of tax credit purchases, all while enhancing your profitability.

Alignment to Sustainability Strategy

Beyond tax credits, we can source RECs, biogas, and other environmental commodities to support your decarbonization efforts, often securing better terms by bundling products from the same projects.

Section 48 Investment Tax Credits (ITC), Section 45 Production Tax Credits (PTC) & 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credits (AMPC)

Investment Tax Credits (ITC) provide a one-time credit based on a percentage of the installation costs for renewable energy equipment, tied to the project’s total capital investment. In contrast, Production Tax Credits (PTC) offer annual credits based on the amount of electricity generated by facilities like wind, solar, and geothermal. The Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit (AMPC) incentivizes domestic production of clean energy components, such as batteries and solar panels, with credits provided on a per-unit basis to bolster U.S. manufacturing. Each credit type carries different risk-return profiles, and we can help you find the right mix to match your risk tolerance. 

transferable tax credits case study

Get in touch with us to get more information regarding transferable tax credits.